
DB MobiDig | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
20 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Travel & Local
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53 Reports
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27 Reports
User Feedback
27 Reports
53 Reports
DB MobiDig - Latest Quality Issues
May 11, 2024
Hoopla this app is unusable
The same error message always appears. In case of doubt, you miss your train or are left without a ticket.
May 11, 2024
Unfortunately still not reliable
Unfortunately, the message "Oops, something went wrong, please try again" is part of the standard program. Last Friday again. It took more than an hour for the Regio-Ticket 50 to be activated. Incredible.
May 13, 2024
Nothing works at once !! When activating the ticket, you get an error message "oops"... Thought uninstalling and reinstalling would help, but now you can't even log in...
May 13, 2024
At the start of the app, it was already of limited use and has consistently deteriorated to this day. Under an iPhone 15 pro it is possible for me to book a ride with my tickets even after several times logging out/logging in, (de-) installing and restarting both the app and the smartphone! No matter in which configuration, "Oops! Something went wrong." If it occurred sporadically, it wouldn't be an issue, but the error pattern is now the permanent condition and you have to be lucky that it works at all. So NO alternative to the printed ticket!
May 14, 2024
Oops, an adventure on rails
In the dark valleys of technology, hidden deep beneath the mists of everyday life, lies an app that sends us brave travelers on a very special journey. The loyal servants of the railway, who are always on the lookout for travel discounts, encounter a mysterious spell on their way: "Oops, something has gone wrong." The instability of this app resembles the volatile paths of the Misty Mountains. One step forward, two steps back, and always accompanied by the feeling that the ground is about to give way under your feet. You might think that the developers of this app had forged it in the mines of Moria, so unpredictable and treacherous is it. The reliability of this application is as fleeting as the wind in the plains of Rohan, sometimes gentle, sometimes stormy, but never steady. Once you've set off for the vast lands of timetables, you can never be sure if you'll ever reach your destination. Every booking is a risk, every click a new attempt to conquer fate. But the distance calculation – oh, that's a mystery that would make even Gandalf ponder. According to this app, my journey seems only as far as a stone's throw away, when in truth it is an odyssey through Middle-earth. One wonders if the cartographers of this app didn't accidentally use the maps of Mordor. So we, brave employees, walk through the thicket of digital errors and uncertainties, always with the courage of a hobbit facing the dangers of the world. "Oops, something went wrong" – may these words always remind us that even in the darkest hour there is a touch of humor and adventure. May the power of the net help us on our journey!
May 15, 2024
The same problem as the other users - booking Regio ticket not possible. Whoops... and so on. I don't understand how an app can be buggy for so long. It's no longer rocket science in 2024.
May 15, 2024
Only works if the Google Chrome is set as the default browser. Why is this compulsion necessary? Why is this not pointed out? Otherwise, logging in is often not possible - I can no longer see the funny interference display.
May 16, 2024
"Oops! Application is not available." This text message appears far too often when starting the app, according to my taste!
May 17, 2024
Actually good, but not user-friendly
I think it's good that there is an app for the travel discounts. I'm a friend of digital solutions, but they should also make life easier. The app doesn't do that. Initially, the app was very unstable - the "Oops, something went wrong here" appears too often. Buying tickets thus became a real challenge. That worked out a little better. In the meantime, however, the login no longer works, although the login name and password are correct. The support is on. But since I need the ticket in a timely manner, it remains exciting to see if I can use it at all in the end... and then there is the matter of transferring the tickets: Why can you transfer all tickets except M Fern? The button for this is misleading! Then please narrow it down obviously. Free rides lost as a result. And you can't cancel - that might also be an option...
DB MobiDig - Product Description
Mitarbeitenden Mobilität digital
DB-Fahrvergünstigungen für Mitarbeitende/Rentner/Pensionäre und deren Angehörige.

Mach dein Smarthone zum Ticket und buche deine DB-Fahrvergünstigungen.
•	Buche und nutze deine persönlichen Fahrvergünstigungen. 
•	Fahrplanauskunft inklusive Informationen zur Anerkennung deiner Fahrvergünstigung in anderen Verkehrsunternehmen, aktuelle Sperrliste, Entfernungsrechner und Auslastung der Züge.
•	Informiere dich über dein verfügbares Kontingent/genutzten Sachbezugswert.
•	Verknüpfe deine App mit anderen Fahrvergünstigungsberechtigten und buche Fahrscheine z.B. für deine ganze Familie.
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