
Compte ameli | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-2 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Health & Fitness
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30-Day Trend
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
1304 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
20 Reports
User Feedback
20 Reports
1304 Reports
Compte ameli - Latest Quality Issues
May 16, 2024
Hello to you The application is good, I don't have any particular problem but the most difficult thing is to connect !! Sometimes, even after checking the social security number and password, I have to start over and I have even suffered an access block. I don't think that's fair. Sometimes I can't connect with my laptop and not with my pc or vice versa. In fact, I very rarely manage to log in all at once. Is it annoying!! Kind regards.
May 16, 2024
When there is finally a messaging option where you can leave messages, it's to be answered either by people who can't read or who don't take the time to copy and paste useless information, or by bots at a discount (without any AI on board). In short, like the rest, a public service that is in a mess and whose only objective is to "display a number of responses" even if none of these answers were relevant! In short, "jemenfoutism"-organized racketeering!
May 16, 2024
Hello Doesn't work And can't change the password nothing works Thank you Regards
May 16, 2024
Getting kicked out of the app while trying to write a very important message to them and needing to restart it thrice. Chat bot hiding the send message and other functions behind talking to the AI is very unfriendly to less savvy users.
May 16, 2024
Unable to access your account
May 16, 2024
COTOREP application, you have to go to the site to send a "notice of work stoppage", Once again France shows its incredible talent for creating useless and endless things, long live the prefectures, long live the online procedures,
May 16, 2024
The problem is that there is no longer a public service.... Impossible to get someone on the phone. Complicated Cramif ++ declaration and in addition sending mail payslips etc. Digital technology will never replace humans and creates a digital divide for the most vulnerable groups. So no, I don't support a service that is not human.
May 16, 2024
I no longer have access to the application when I open it, it remains frozen on a home page which indicates that from now on to access the application you have to click on send the code that you entered when registering, the problem is that it doesn't work either.
May 16, 2024
Impossible to change my bank details, forced to send back papers once again. No human to answer.
Compte ameli - Product Description
Connectez-vous à votre compte avec votre numéro de sécurité sociale et votre code personnel ou via l'authentification biométrique (disponible sur smartphone) et accéder à tous les services suivants :

Consultez vos remboursements de soins :
- Visualisez tous vos remboursements en détails

Consultez tous vos documents :
- Téléchargez votre attestation de droits ou d’indemnités journalières
- Téléchargez vos relevés mensuels de remboursements, disponibles pour les 27 derniers mois

Réalisez certaines démarches sans vous déplacer :
- Simulez et estimez vos indemnités journalières, et prenez connaissance de vos éventuelles démarches
- Transmettez vos certificats médicaux pour un accident de travail ou une maladie professionnelle à votre caisse depuis votre smartphone
- Suivez vos arrêts de travail
- Commandez votre carte européenne d’assurance maladie (CEAM) et visualisez-la sur votre smartphone/tablette
- Déclarez la perte ou le vol de votre carte Vitale
- Commandez une carte Vitale
- Modifiez votre nom d’usage
- Déclarez votre nouveau-né à votre caisse
- Inscrivez votre enfant sur les cartes des deux parents
- Déclarez un accident causé par un tiers
- Accédez à la simulation de vos droits aux aides sociales
- Consultez les délais de traitement de votre caisse
- Résolvez un cas de chevauchement de contrats d'organismes complémentaires

Gérez vos informations personnelles :
- Retrouvez toutes vos informations personnelles
- Modifiez votre adresse email et vos numéros de téléphone
- Déclarez votre changement de coordonnées bancaires
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