
BankID säkerhetsapp | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-5 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Utilities
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
63 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
0 Reports
User Feedback
0 Reports
63 Reports
BankID säkerhetsapp - Latest Quality Issues
Jul 19, 2024
The app has not been working properly for some time. Tried different browsers and 80% of the time there is an error message and signing is interrupted. It is serious that such an important function for citizens does not work. I don't have an old mobile either. I see from the reviews that I'm not alone in having problems with the app. Fix the bug.
Jul 20, 2024
Need help putting the app on your desktop?
Jul 22, 2024
Well, it's time again! "You can't use BankID at the same time as you use (app)" Don't claim that it's for my security, it's for ALL data Google enters, e.g. last name, all information about the phone, etc. etc. I hate BankID!
Jul 23, 2024
Not working
Jul 23, 2024
Really lousy now! For example, the St1 app does not work with bankid, but then the Googleplay store opens instead and it is not possible to sign the purchase. It is also not possible to add a new card in the St1 app, as it must be signed with bankid - which does not work in the app... :-(( The QR code works in bankid, but not to open the app and sign with code or fingerprint. This needs to be fixed now!
Jul 23, 2024
So new mobile and bankid don't go together anymore. Maybe worst if you have the Skandia Bank? And the software thinks my 1 year old national ID card is blocked. Which it is not. Completely hopeless. Put down bankid if it is still not intended to be compatible with new as well as older mobiles and national ID cards. And people. And give us a new solution. How tiring this. Have to bring the old phone and share connection if I am to be able to use bankid on the go. Madly!
Jul 24, 2024
Doesn't work with Skandiabanken
Jul 25, 2024
Cannot order a new bankid with id card even though I meet all requirements.
Jul 25, 2024
Worked in the beginning with my Nordea card, but now it doesn't work at all despite reinstalling st1 app and BankID, I tried another card, my Opel card and the accepted st1 app with BankID, so there is some crunch between the Nordea card BankID and st1 app 😔
BankID säkerhetsapp - Product Description
BankID is Sweden’s most popular eID. With more than 8 million users and over 6000 connected businesses, authorities and organisations, BankID is an important component of the Swedish digital lifestyle.

With BankID, you can identify yourself and leave signatures digitally. You can access e-services of i.e. the Swedish Tax authorities, public healthcare, Försäkringskassan as well as several businesses. You can also sign agreements such as contracts, payments or loan documents.

To use the BankID app you must get a BankID from your bank.

BankID – secures your identity and privacy
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