
Time Warp Scan - Face Scan | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
5 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Photography
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
186 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
0 Reports
User Feedback
0 Reports
186 Reports
Time Warp Scan - Face Scan - Latest Quality Issues
Mar 31, 2024
Lots of ads, but otherwise it's okay
Mar 31, 2024
I don't recommend it at all, don't install it, panım1 error 0, so it's very kkkk bad Very bad
Apr 3, 2024
It douse not works as a tv
Apr 4, 2024
Without context, it was very bad for me, they didn't load the photos at all
Apr 5, 2024
I didn't get in.
Apr 10, 2024
What application that cannot enter, but is loved, for me is bad
Apr 13, 2024
Full of advertising and I didn't manage to use it
Apr 14, 2024
It had too many ads
Apr 18, 2024
It's funny, it's funny, of course, but there are a lot of ads, everything is fine, but I prefer to make other games
Time Warp Scan - Face Scan - Product Description
Immerse yourself in fun visual illusions with Time Warp Scan - Face Scan right now! 

Catch up with this trending TikTok blue line face warp filter, and create cool photos & videos with the time warp scan effect. Enjoy family or friend bonding time with Time Warp Scan - Face Warp Filter, make endless laugh & unique experiences together. No TikTok account needed.

- Explore trending time warp scan videos and get started quickly
- Support both vertical and horizontal scan
- Choose photo or video mode as you like with face warp filter
- One tap to shot and apply time warp scan effect
- Make fun together with family, friends & lovely pets 
- Apply a trending face warp TikTok filter without having a TikTok account
- Share your Time Warp Scan work with friends & family via TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Likee, and many other social apps. 

#Time Warp Scan Challenges:
🔥 Twisted Body: change the shape of your head, make hands missing, lengthen your fingers, cut your hair short.
🔥 Wavey Eyebrows: use the horizontal scan and move your eyebrows up and down as the line crosses over them.
🔥 Mirror Trick:​ frame the camera so you catch both yourself and the mirror, change facial expression or pose before the blue line crosses over your reflection.
🔥 Smoking Illusion: move an object like a pen from side to side along with the blue line with time warp scan face warp filter.
🔥 Fake Pine Tree: create a pine tree by leaving phone in a fixed spot and jumping when the blue line of time warp scan appears.
🔥 Floating Illusion: hold an object with the hand that's not being scanned, switch quickly enough, and make it as if the object is floating.

Use Time warp scan - Face Scan to create amazing photos & videos with time warp scan effect easily without a TikTok account. 

Time warp scan filter app & face scanner is working hard to be your only bonding app with family, friends & lovely pets! Catch up with the trend and ready to get tons of likes on social network!

If you have any problems or suggestions, don’t hesitate to let us know at fotogrid.apps@gmail.com.

The ownership, intellectual property rights and any other interests of the Trending Videos belong to its publishers or owners on TikTok. We respect such legitimate rights and interests of the publishers or the owners.
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