
Woolsocks: The money app | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
0 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Shopping
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
153 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
22 Reports
User Feedback
22 Reports
153 Reports
Woolsocks: The money app - Latest Quality Issues
Sep 14, 2024
I installed the app thanks to positive reviews on social media. However, I notice that the reality is different than with the sponsored content. Maybe if I also get sponsored online, the cashback will expire automatically. If you have an HBO streaming subscription where you as a customer do not receive a unique ID, they ask for all kinds of extra information or invoices. This is not stated in the cashback terms and conditions. When referred to, they roughly close the application. Rip off it seems to me...
Sep 16, 2024
You have to accept too many consents in exchange for small change, and then you would have to see the problems they put up to receive such small change, which is not the first app of this type that exists. Step.
Sep 16, 2024
Keep missing out on money constantly, get constant emails that I missed out on it, but they don't have to update the last app and still I don't get anything back on my wool Socks and I've already missed out on so much money, it's not fun anymore..
Sep 16, 2024
I definitely do not recommend the app if you care about your personal information security. Requesting access to your bank account for 12 months? You know that thanks to this they will see every bank transaction. Regardless of whether you pay by card, make transfers or repay a loan. I think my sensitive data is worth much more than a few percent cashback 🤬🤬🤬
Sep 16, 2024
4 out of 10 receipts are marked as not transaction unrecognized, even though I live alone and only have a bank card. Gift cards are not automatically linked to a transaction. Then you first have to wait a month for a very unprofessional customer service and still it is not solved. Those extra few cents aren't worth the effort you have to put into a malfunctioning app.
Sep 17, 2024
I have been very satisfied with this app from the start. Unfortunately not at the moment, hence the number of stars. My auto rewards have stopped. Now I read that it's due to inactivity, but that's almost impossible. It would be much more convenient if it was just a switch that you could use to turn the autorewards on and off yourself. Room for improvement! I hope that this can be realized so that I can get the most out of the app again.
Sep 17, 2024
Cashbacks don't automatically go through a good app
Sep 17, 2024
The app is pushing you to scan receipts, but they are all declined. You get notifications that you 'missed cashbacks', but they mean you didn't buy a voucher in advance, so I can do it too... The automatic investment just looks suspicious. It may be regulated, but it's better to invest directly in ETFs yourself instead of intermediary imho.
Sep 17, 2024
App itself is not bad and the stock points are a nice idea. However, it is impossible for me to submit a request for rejected Cashbeck via the support page. Either you end up in a chatbot that can't do anything and in the support area you are directed from one page to the next and end up back on the homepage.
Woolsocks: The money app - Product Description
Woolsocks is the money app that will make your life easier. The app is chock-full of stuff that will help you save on your purchases, spend smarter, and increase your budget. It’s easy, it’s safe, and it’s fast.

The Woolsocks app keeps on adding tools to improve your finances. We are all about empowerment. We believe that financial happiness starts with control. There are so many ways to save money and to make more of your money. All you need is our app, and we’ll take care of the rest. Once you start, your money will start growing and your happiness will follow. With the app, you can:

✔️ Save while you spend:
Get as much as 40% of the money you spend back. It’s called cashback, and Woolsocks gives it to you at 35,000 stores across Europe. Better yet, opt into relevant recommendations, and we’ll use your spending habits to select the best deals for you. That way, you can clock up cashback with your eyes closed.

✔️ Cancel zombie subscriptions:
Woolsocks works round the clock to spot and stop needless spending, like those seven-day trials that turn into two-year money leaks. From streaming services to gym memberships, see what you’re subscribed to and cancel what you don’t want. It’s easy, safe, and fast.

✔️ Keep track of your daily expenses:
Woolsocks gives you the option to automatically categorise all your bank account transactions. See if you’re spending too much on sneakers month by month. What’s going towards groceries, online shopping, entertainment and more? Get smarter with your daily spending and answer the eternal question: where did all my money go?

✔️ Support causes you care about:
Share your success by donating to charities, right from the app. Support your favourite cause, whether that’s a global charity or your local football team, by setting up automatic donations from your cashback.

✔️ Safety first:
Protecting your data is our number one priority, which is why we have the highest possible security measures in place. It means that, with Woolsocks, your personal finances are safe, organised, and optimised.

Download Woolsocks on Android for free, with no hidden fees or monthly subscription – and get all the best money management tools right in your pocket.
Try it today!
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