unitQ’s impact on growth for category-leading companies

Oct 14, 2021
By Diana Lam
unitQ’s impact on growth for category-leading companies

unitQ customers build the highest quality products with our leading product quality platform. We’re a company that empowers businesses to take a data-driven approach to product quality so they can deliver the best possible user experience that drives retention and revenue growth.

Our platform, unitQ Monitor, has pioneered the most efficient way for teams like Engineering, Product, and Support to fix quality issues smarter and faster before they impact bottom-line results. Since partnering with unitQ, our customers have seen significant growth, learn more about the notable results below.


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With over 80 million global athletes using its platform, Strava is one of the most popular fitness apps in the world. Athletes from around the globe use its app to connect and share some of their most athletic adventures. Strava turned to unitQ to help balance product quality and product development. They wanted to ensure great experiences for their loyal users and push the proper fixes through their developers. They also wanted to improve their app store ratings.

“We wanted to get alignment between what the community wants and what our developers have planned. We couldn’t quantify the community’s demand for feature requests, so it was difficult to prioritize development. The lack of alignment was starting to impact our app store scores.”

-Stephen Young, Technical Support, Strava

Results they’ve seen since partnering with unitQ:

  • 41% improvement in their unitQ Score

  • 13% increase in Google Play Store ratings

  • 94% reduction in manual user feedback efforts

  • 20% reduction in incoming support tickets


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Pandora is a leading music streaming service with millions of listeners. Their users tune to their app to play their favorite songs, albums, and podcasts. Pandora partnered with unitQ to automate finding actionable signals through user feedback across multiple channels and languages. They wanted to ensure they had the most efficient product to help them listen, identify, and understand user feedback.

“Since working with unitQ, it has caused our team to stop and rethink how to prioritize user feedback data and how we can shine a better light on poor quality experiences.” 

– Senior Manager, Pandora

Results they’ve seen since partnering with unitQ:

  • 20% boost in unitQ Score within 45 days

  • 15% reduction in churn rate

  • 10% reduction in support tickets

  • 18% increase to their NPS 


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LOVOO has paved the way for millions of people to connect and find that someone special. Their service isn’t just about swiping photos. They strive to provide the most authentic way for singles to make a lasting connection. LOVOO chose unitQ to help them reduce friction and automate their manual processes. They needed quality insights to drive better product quality to create better experiences for their users.

“We love unitQ Monitor! It used to take us so time to identify and quantify issues. It has really improved the workflow between our QA and Product teams because we now have all the data we need to make decisions in real-time. Plus, it’s great that we can now search everything from one place!”

-Anja Richter, Head of QA, LOVOO

Results they’ve seen since partnering with unitQ:

  • 42% improvement in their unitQ Score

  • 28% increase in App Store and Google Play Store ratings

  • 40% reduction in support ticket volume

  • Increased session length and average session per day 


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Beauty and wellness professionals and their clients utilize StyleSeat to showcase their work, connect with new and existing clients, and build their business throughout the United States. Since 2011, StyleSeat has generated over 120 million appointments. StyleSeat chose unitQ to help their teams automate processes, work with data vs. in silos, and understand actional signals across all their user feedback data.

“unitQ Monitor is 100% necessary to our StyleSeat. It gives us a clear understanding of product quality in real-time and significantly reduces the amount of time we spend troubleshooting issues. We absolutely need it! We have gone from satisfied users to delighted users.”

-Greg Burch, VP of Engineering, StyleSeat

Results they’ve seen since partnering with unitQ:

  • 18% improvement in their unitQ Score

  • 35% boost in App Store and Google Play Store ratings

  • 100% increase in user retention

  • 50% decrease in user churn  


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As one of the most popular global learning platforms and apps that students and teachers use to learn and advance knowledge for school or personal interests, Quizlet has made it simple for their users to study any subject or topic. With unitQ, Quizlet has gained a more efficient way to capture user feedback and turn it into product quality improvements. They’ve been able to go beyond manual processes and close quality gaps.

“Through the utilization of unitQ’s solution, they have the data and actionable insights to address user needs and drive product quality. It’s that combination of a clear and comprehensive signal, plus speed, that brings the most value to Quizlet.”

-Quizlet Team

Results they’ve seen since partnering with unitQ:

  • Less effort to turn support and user feedback data into product quality signals 

  • More user feedback data from more channels for a complete picture of every quality issue

  • Faster identification and prioritization of quality issues

  • New ability to explore user feedback data for product quality improvements

unitQs’ Goals for Our Customers

unitQ’s ongoing goal is not only to enable companies to move fast and build high-quality products for their users, but we want to help them build quality companies. We’re grateful for the ongoing trust and partnership our customers put in our mission and product. We look forward to assisting them with continued success. Read their full success stories here.

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